We’ve tried our best to compile a great list of resources for your benefit, but Tweaker.org does not endorse or guarantee any of the services from the organizations listed on this page.
The Stonewall Project
*Alternative to the 12-step model
1035 Market St. Suite 400
San Francisco, CA. 94103
(415) 487-3100
The Stonewall Project
The Stonewall Project offers individual and group harm reduction counseling to bi, gay & queer men who want to change some aspect of their drug and/or alcohol use.The Stonewall Project is a non-shaming & sex-positive counseling program for gay, bi, & trans men looking to make changes to their crystal meth, crack cocaine, powder cocaine, GHB, ketamine, alcohol &/or other drug use. We offer a broad range of services that recognize your strengths, integrate substance use & mental health counseling, mindfulness & wellness services. Stonewall is a treatment program committed to the harm-reduction philosophy. We invite you to bring all of who you are to services on your journey toward improved health, relationships, or functioning in the world. All goals are welcome, supported, & respected.
Self-Directed Program: Each week Stonewall offers a variety of walk-in groups, book clubs, harm reduction education opportunities, syringe exchange services, individual counseling, & wellness services like meditation, massage & acupuncture. No paperwork, no intake, no waits. You decide what services are a good fit.
Structured Enrolled Program: After attending three orientation groups & meeting with Stonewall’s Intake Coordinator you will be matched with a skilled therapist, social worker, or certified addiction counselor for six to eighteen months & attend two groups each week designed to support your goals. Additionally, Stonewall offers elective groups on healing trauma, stress, anger, communication, sex & sexuality, Mindfulness & Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Depending on your individual needs, we provide psychiatric assessments, antidepressants/mood stabilizers or other psychiatric medications, & assistance linking to & obtaining services at other agencies.
Questions? Walk in Mon-Fri at 4PM 1035 Market, 4th floor or call (415) 487-3100 & speak with a counselor.
Harm Reduction Therapy Center
*Alternative to the 12-step model
Offices in San Francisco and Oakland
(415) 863-4282
The Harm Reduction Therapy Center (HRTC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing alternative treatment to people with drug and alcohol problems. Harm Reduction Psychotherapy is based on the belief that substance abuse develops in each individual from a unique interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. Harm Reduction Psychotherapy is a non-judgmental approach and respects that people use drugs for reasons. It addresses the complex relationship that people develop with drugs and alcohol. Drug and alcohol issues are addressed simultaneously with social and occupational concerns and psychological and emotional issues. Anyone is welcome in our treatment, regardless of the status of their drug use and regardless of their primary concerns or goals. A person’s goals can range from complete abstinence to controlled or safer use based on a desire to improve health, relationships, or one’s functioning in the world. Harm Reduction Therapy is suited for anyone who: is questioning whether their use of drugs and alcohol is a problem, has tried abstinence-based approaches and found them to be ineffective or undesirable, relapses frequently after attempts to be clean and sober, also suffers from emotional or psychiatric problems and wants help with these issues simultaneously, or prefers an alternative way of thinking about their drug use.
*Alternative to the 12-step model
An abstinence-based, worldwide network of individuals seeking to live in recovery from addiction to alcohol or to other non-medically indicated drugs. In LifeRing, we offer each other peer-to-peer support in ways that encourage personal growth and continued learning through personal empowerment. Our approach is based on developing, refining, and sharing our own personal strategies for continued abstinence and crafting a rewarding life in recovery. In short, we are sober, secular, and self-directed.
Refuge Recovery
*Alternative to the 12-Step model
2000 NE 42nd St., #204
Portland, OR 97213-1305
Refuge Recovery is a non-profit organization grounded in the belief that Buddhist principles and practices create a strong foundation for a path to freedom from addiction. This program is an approach to recovery that understands: All individuals have the power and potential to free themselves from the suffering that is caused by addiction. We feel confident in the power of the Dharma, if applied, to relieve suffering of all kinds, including the suffering of addiction. This is a process that cultivates a path of awakening, the path of recovering from the addictions and delusions that have created so much suffering in our lives and in this world. For a list of meetings in San Francisco Click Here
Smart Recovery
*Alternative to the 12-step model
(415) 673-2848
SMART Recovery is an abstinence-based, not-for-profit organization with a sensible self-help program for people having problems with drinking and using. They teach common sense self-help procedures designed to empower you to abstain and to develop a more positive lifestyle.
Alcoholics Anonymous
San Francisco (415) 674-1821,
Marin (415) 499-0400,
Call for a schedule of meeting times and locations. There are hundreds of meetings every week throughout San Francisco and the Bay area. If you are not in the bay area find an AA meeting near you: https://www.aa.org/
Al-Anon/ Allateen
Sf Info Line: (415) 626-5633
Support for those with loved ones who are alcoholics. Find out more about al-non/alateen or a meeting near you: https://al-anon.org/
Crystal Meth Anonymous
NorCal CMA: http://www.norcalcma.org/
844-END-METH (844-363-6384)
Email: info@norcalcma.org
For more information about Crystal Meth Anonymous meetings in San Francisco,
check out their website:
Not in San Francisco? CMA has meetings all over the country! Check them out at crystalmeth.org.
A 24-hour hotline that provides information about and referrals to various substance treatment programs.
(855) 638-4373 or (855) METH-FREE
HealthRight 360
1735 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA. 94110
(415) 226-1775
Offering integrated whole-person care, we specialize in providing primary medical care, residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment, mental health services, and reentry support programs for men, women and families.
Haight Ashbury Free Clinic
558 Clayton Street, San Francisco, CA. 94117
(415) 746-1950
Providing compassionate, nonjudgmental care. Our supportive staff is experienced with the complex healthcare needs that can result from homelessness, poverty, and addiction, and our physicians have specialized expertise related to the treatment of infectious disease and addiction.
Walden House
890 Hayes St, San Francisco, CA. 94117
(415) 762-3705
Variable length residential treatment services designed to serve men with substance use disorders, some who also have co-occurring mental health disorders, and/or HIV/AIDS. Program services address addiction and related issues, increase skills, manage stressors, develop meaningful links to needed services, and build a foundation for lasting recovery. Individualized case management helps clients make linkages with key providers to increase the availability and use of social supports for a successful transition.
Asian American Recovery Services
(415) 750-5111
AARS offers an array of services to the Bay Area’s ethnically diverse populations.
Created to provide culturally-responsive substance use disorder treatment programs
The Latino Commission
301 Grand Avenue #301, South San Francisco, CA 94066
(650) 244-1444 (main office)
(650) 244-0305 (Intake Coordinator for San Francisco & San Mateo Counties)
The Latino Commission provides residential and outpatient alcohol and/or other drug services primarily for Latino/Latina/Latinx individuals. We offer education and counseling in a culturally based environment on many subjects such as anger/life management, domestic violence and relapse prevention. An emphasis is placed on sobriety and family reunification. Our program can be from six months to one year. All participants attend self-help groups and are referred to community agencies for medical, mental health issues and other type of support services, if needed. Check out their brochure for more information: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/570cd7_a059ab1230eb4d3594e7a05b424c7f67.pdf
Narcotics Anonymous
(San Francisco)
(415) 621-8600
If you need directions to a NA meeting (San Francisco inquires only please), just want to know more about NA, or are afraid and need to talk to a recovering addict 24/7, please call our Helpline. San Francisco Helpline
Call for meeting times and locations. There are hundreds of meetings every week throughout San Francisco and the Bay Area. For a meeting near you: https://www.na.org/meetingsearch/
Positive Resource Center
785 Market Street, 10th Floor,
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 777-0333
PRC helps people in San Francisco affected by HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, or mental health issues get the opportunities they deserve by providing a variety of integrated legal, social, and health services.
Acceptance Place
(415) 682-2080
A Program of PRC. This transitional, residential treatment program includes strategies developed for gay and bisexual men. Services are provided under the social rehabilitation model. Participants engage in a three-tiered, phased system, in which they increase their participation in community-based activities in preparation for reintegration into the community and maintaining sobriety. Sliding fee scale (fee is based on income and other factors), Payment assistance (check with facility for details).
Ferguson Place
(415) 922-4102
Another program of PRC. This residential treatment program was the first of its kind to address HIV/AIDS issues in people with co-occurring substance use and mental health issues. Treatment is provided using a social rehabilitation recovery and wellness approach that uses staff, peers, and community support to enhance self-esteem and community participation.
Individual treatment planning and counseling, groups, and structure are provided using a client-centered approach in order to address the diverse needs of participants.
National resources
Syringe Access:
Harm reduction coalition:
Activism and Advocacy: