How it’s done:

Crystal can be done in pill form by putting it into those empty gelatin capsules available at most health food stores. People mix it into water, juice, soda, or add it to coffee to make ‘trucker coffee.’ Then there’s ‘parachuting’ – the meth is wrapped in a small bit of toilet or tissue paper then swallowed.

Time to get off:

About 20-30 minutes – slow and gentle.

Things to watch out for:

Swallowing involves the fewest risks. However, it’s not without risk. There are often contaminants in speed so your gut has to contend with them. Luckily, our bodies have a built-in safety mechanism for anything we might swallow – if it’s dangerous or sickening, we tend to throw it up or vomit it out. All drugs we take by mouth are absorbed through the gut and that takes time. The positive and negative effects of the drugs can be or feel less extreme; however, the effects tend to last longer. Swallowing meth can be rough on you if you’ve got ulcers or other digestive problems. Strategies to reduce possible harms: Only you know the source of the crystal you’ve got and the amount you wanna swallow. So, fill the pill yourself. If you’re partying with a new buddy or a roomful of strangers, maybe think twice about taking a pill someone hands you. Same thing goes for drinking it in juice or water or whatever – mix your own cocktail!